Flight Plan Burton

Have You Filed Your Flight Plan? Leadership: Destination and Direction

No commercial airline pilot can legally leave the runway without first filing a flight plan including the destination and the direction. Many organizations and individuals have left the runway with 1/8 tank of fuel. Two things may happen:

  • Premature landing or
  • Return to the original runway

There is a more excellent way. Benefits of the Flight Plan:

  • Confidence through Competence
  • Knowing that you can reach your destination
  • Excitement of landing where you want to go

An interactive book focusing on organizational and personal leadership.

Premise of the book: No commercial airplane pilot can leave the ground without first filing a flight plan including destination and direction. I consult with many organizations and people who leave the runway without either destination or direction and only 1/4 tank of fuel. There is a more excellent strategy.

Table of Contents:

Introduction to Flight: Story
Section A (Alpha): Prepare for Take-Off (Plan)
1. Select the Destination
2. Meet Currency Requirements
3. Know Runway Length
4. Pass Pre-Flight Checklist
5. Distribute Weight for Balance
6. Fuel the Journey
7. Maintain Equipment
8. Check the Weather
Section B (Bravo): File the Flight Plan (Organize)
9. Avoid Holding Patterns
10. Set the Direction
11. Prepare Contingency Plans
Section C (Charlie): Activate the Flight Plan (Implement)
12. Leave the Runway
13. Embrace the Air
Section D (Delta): Navigate the Flight (Operate)
14. Communicate Two Ways
15. Manage Turbulence
Section E (Echo): Land at the Destination (Complete)
16. Celebrate Arrival
17. Envision Future Flights

Price: $30.00